What are Air Pollutants?

We do not recommend the use of a Cambridge Mask in industrial settings and the mask should not be used for protection against chemicals or solvents in a workplace. Kindly consult a PPE specialist for further information regarding the use of masks in your workplace.

Cambridge Mask PRO is independently tested by Nelson Labs, USA. You can find our test results here.

Please find below the usage guidelines for the recommended hours of use before the mask needs replacing. We have based the guidelines according to the use of the mask against air pollution. For example, the AQI in Blackpool is typically good or moderately unhealthy which means that the mask can be replaced after it has been worn for 340 hours. You can fund your local area’s AQI through a simple Google search. 


This article covers the following topics:

Fumes - Burning tires & Oil Fumes

When wearing a Cambridge Mask, there should be no noticeable smell. If you do detect fumes, it may indicate that the mask is not sealing properly around your face, or that the chemicals in the air are too small for the mask to filter.

Oils consist of various chemicals, some of which can be more toxic than others. Most smoke contains a mix of gases and solid particles. The Cambridge Mask filters solid particulates down to PM0.3, effectively capturing most emissions from diesel engines, forest fires, and other sources of smoke.

Gas-based pollutants, such as VOCs, are produced by petrol/gasoline combustion, certain factory emissions, and other burning processes. The activated carbon in the mask absorbs these gases, making it particularly effective for cyclists and individuals exposed to road-based pollution.


Cigarette Smoke

There is no discernible smell when wearing a Cambridge Mask. Any fumes that can be detected whilst wearing it would indicate that the seal around the mask was not close enough to your face, or that the chemicals in the atmosphere are smaller than can be blocked by the mask.  

Cigarette smoke contains nanoparticles ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 microns in diameter. In testing, the Cambridge Mask blocked over 99% of particles sized 0.3 microns and larger, making it effective in reducing exposure to cigarette smoke.

Additionally, smoke consists of a mixture of gases and solids, and oils can contain various chemicals, some of which may be toxic. The mask effectively filters solid particulates down to PM0.3, capturing most emissions from sources like diesel engines, forest fires, and other smoke.

Gas-based pollutants, such as VOCs, produced from petrol/gasoline combustion, certain factory emissions, and other burning processes, are absorbed by the activated carbon layer. This makes the mask particularly beneficial for cyclists and individuals exposed to road pollution.



Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are gases emitted from certain solids or liquids, including a range of chemicals that may have both short- and long-term health effects. Indoor concentrations of VOCs can be up to ten times higher than outdoors, and they are released by thousands of products.

Common sources of VOCs include household items such as paints, varnishes, waxes, cleaning products, disinfectants, cosmetics, and degreasers. Fuels also contain organic chemicals, and these products can emit VOCs both during use and when stored.

Cambridge Masks effectively filter viruses, bacteria, and gas pollutants like VOCs, ozone, benzene, and formaldehyde. To ensure optimal filtration, it’s important to achieve a proper fit.



While paint emissions are highest during and immediately after application, they continue to release low levels of toxic emissions for years. Activities involving paint can significantly increase indoor VOC levels. Paint is composed of a resin (binder), a carrier, and pigments for color. Once applied, the carrier evaporates, leaving the solid coating behind—this carrier is typically a VOC.

As we’ve discussed on our blog, wearing goggles and a mask is crucial to prevent paint particles from reaching your eyes and lungs. Many professional-grade spray paints contain VOCs like acetone, xylene, and toluene, which can seriously impact health. Our masks' activated carbon filter effectively removes nearly 100% of bacteria, viruses, and gases, including VOCs and formaldehyde.

Cambridge Masks filter out viruses, bacteria, and gas pollutants such as VOCs, ozone, benzene, and formaldehyde. Ensuring a proper fit is essential for optimal filtration.



Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring organic compound commonly used in industrial resins for particleboard, coatings, fiberboard, plywood, cigarette smoke, fuel-burning appliances, and kerosene heaters.

Due to its widespread use, toxicity, and volatility, formaldehyde poses significant health risks. In 2011, the US National Toxicology Program classified it as a known human carcinogen. High levels of exposure can lead to respiratory issues, including asthma attacks and breathing difficulties.

Cambridge Masks effectively filter out viruses, bacteria, and gas pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ozone, benzene, and formaldehyde. Proper fit is essential for optimal filtration.


Wildfire Smoke

Wildfire smoke consists of carbon dioxide, water vapor, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and other organic chemicals. One of the most harmful components is particulate matter, which ranges from 0.4 to 0.7 microns. These particles can penetrate the bloodstream through the lungs, increasing the risk of heart disease and strokes, the leading causes of death from air pollution. Additionally, harmful gases like formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are present in the smoke.

The Cambridge Mask PRO effectively filters nearly 100% of particulate matter down to 0.3 microns. Its unique filtration system also removes almost all bacteria, viruses, and gases such as VOCs and formaldehyde.

Please note that Cambridge Masks are not intended for use as firefighting equipment and should not be used to enter or exit burning buildings or when extinguishing fires. For emergency escape masks, consult your local fire department for guidance.

For the general public, major sources of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) include internal combustion engines burning fossil fuels, with outdoor exposure primarily from vehicle traffic. Indoors, exposure can come from cigarette smoke, and butane or kerosene heaters and stoves.



Nitrogen Dioxide Poisoning: This condition results from inhaling nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at levels above safe limits. NO2 is a mucous membrane irritant associated with respiratory diseases like obstructive lung disease, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Activated carbons, typically in powder or granule form, feature a network of micropores with a vast internal surface area. These pores effectively trap gases and vapors through Van der Waals forces, making activated carbon excellent for removing harmful pollutants.

Our activated carbon cloth is unique, made from filaments approximately 2,000 nanometers in diameter. This structure significantly reduces the distance to the micropores, allowing for much faster adsorption of harmful gases compared to traditional granular or powdered forms. As a result, we can use a thin layer of activated carbon cloth in our masks, which efficiently removes noxious gases without the bulk.

Additionally, our activated carbon cloth is coated with silver particles, which are highly effective in neutralizing bacteria and viruses. This added layer ensures that any pathogens bypassing the initial filters are captured and eliminated, providing extra protection against infections.



Carbon Monoxide (CO): Emitted from incomplete combustion processes, such as faulty gas water boilers in homes, CO is also present in vehicle exhaust. This odorless, tasteless gas can be extremely dangerous in confined spaces.

Symptoms of CO overexposure include dizziness, facial redness, nausea, and shortness of breath. Cambridge Masks can absorb a limited amount of CO until their filters become saturated. They are ideal for cyclists and pedestrians in urban areas to filter out emissions from vehicle exhaust.

For environments with extremely high CO levels, evacuation is necessary. Re-entry should only be attempted by individuals with specialist oxygen masks. For information on CO alarms and symptoms of CO poisoning, contact your local fire department.



Nitrogen Oxide (NO) Filtration: Our masks filter Nitrogen Oxide (NO) to a certain extent. NO is highly reactive and quickly bonds to available surfaces, making the mask effective for small volumes. Under typical conditions, the level of Nitrogen Oxide in your environment should not exceed the filtration capacity of the mask, even in cases like emissions from a poorly functioning home boiler.


Ethyl methacrylate

Poly(ethyl methacrylate) Filtration: Poly(ethyl methacrylate) nanoparticles typically range from 35-45 μm in particle size, equivalent to 0.035 microns. Our test results have shown that Cambridge Masks block over 99% of particles sized 0.3 microns and larger. Therefore, Cambridge Masks may not effectively block exposure to ethyl methacrylate.

To maintain safe air quality, ensure proper ventilation, which may involve specialized systems or fans. Workers should use respirators when working in areas where ethyl methacrylate concentrations exceed national air quality standards. These respirators must comply with national regulations.


Planes - Aerotoxic/Uniform Toxic

Using Cambridge Masks for Air Travel:

We have received positive feedback from customers who use their Cambridge Masks during air travel, and our masks are endorsed by the Aerotoxic Association.

We collaborate with the Aerotoxic Team to provide expert advice for those concerned about in-flight air quality. For more information, visit their blog at Aerotoxic Syndrome Blog.

Regarding pollutants filtered by our carbon cloth, a general rule is that chemicals with boiling points above 65°C are effectively removed by non-impregnated carbon. Our filter technology also efficiently removes organophosphates. Additionally, the silver in our masks acts as a catalyst, removing compounds like arsine and phosphine and filtering out viruses and bacteria that may be present on flights.

For more insights on why you should consider wearing a pollution mask while flying, watch Dr. Harriet Leyland's explanation here.

For long-haul flights, we recommend staying well-hydrated by keeping a bottle of water handy. While the majority of flights are safe, our CEO frequently uses the mask on board to avoid catching illnesses from other passengers.


Volcanic ash

Volcanic ash particles are relatively large compared to fine particles found in common air pollution. The Cambridge Mask provides protection against nearly 100% of particulates larger than 0.3 microns, provided it is properly sealed. However, it is advisable to avoid areas with high levels of volcanic ash and sulfur dioxide emissions.

Sulfur particles, which can cause various diseases, are a primary component of smog. Activated carbon, known for its excellent adsorption properties, can effectively remove sulfur particles from the air, helping to prevent many allergic reactions and respiratory issues.

The activated carbon adsorption method is simple, free from secondary pollution, and highly effective at adsorbing sulfides in the air, which benefits overall health (Lin et al. 2015; Peng et al., 2014b, Peng et al., 2015, Sun et al., 2014, Wang et al., 2009).

The inner filter of the Cambridge Mask is made from 100% pure activated carbon cloth, originally developed by the UK Ministry of Defense. This material was extensively refined for use in chemical, biological, and nuclear warfare protection.

The high number of filaments in the cloth, spun into yarn and woven together, allows for rapid adsorption while remaining breathable. The activated carbon cloth traps bacteria and draws out the gel-like cytoplasm, killing the bacteria and preventing infection. Additionally, silver is incorporated to enhance the mask's antibacterial and antiviral properties.


Sawdust/Wood Dust

The Cambridge Mask effectively blocks particles as small as PM0.3, making it highly efficient at filtering most smoke particulates, which can vary in size. Therefore, a properly fitted Cambridge Mask provides an excellent barrier against inhaling sawdust.

To put this into perspective, consider that human hair typically has a diameter of about 70 microns (0.07 mm). Wood dust particles can range from millimeters down to less than 0.1 microns. In particulate matter terminology, PM10 refers to particles smaller than 10 microns (source: FWWA).

Wood dust particles can pose health risks. However, our mask’s activated carbon filter effectively adsorbs these particles, reducing the risk of respiratory and allergic diseases. Activated carbon not only has strong adsorption properties but also functions as a high-dispersed catalyst, lowering reaction temperatures (Wang et al., 2009). This ability to filter wood dust particles helps in preventing various allergic conditions (Zhang et al., 2010).

The inner filter of the Cambridge Mask is crafted from 100% pure activated carbon cloth, initially developed by the UK Ministry of Defence. This material was extensively refined for use in chemical, biological, and nuclear warfare protection.

The numerous filaments in the cloth are spun into yarn and woven together, enabling rapid adsorption while maintaining breathability. The activated carbon cloth traps bacteria, extracting the gel-like cytoplasm to kill them and prevent infection. Additionally, silver is incorporated to enhance the mask's antibacterial and antiviral properties.



Occupational Health and Safety Requirements

Compliance with your national occupational health and safety regulations is crucial to ensure the protection of your staff.

The Cambridge Mask employs a three-layer filtration system designed to block particulates, bacteria, and viruses from entering the respiratory tract. It is particularly effective against particulate pollution.

To maintain safe air quality levels, proper ventilation is essential. This might require the installation of specialized ventilation systems or fans. When working in areas where turpentine concentrations exceed recommended air quality standards, workers should use respirators that meet national standards. Additionally, workers should wear protective clothing, gloves, and safety goggles to safeguard against turpentine exposure.  


Glass Particles

The Cambridge Mask filters particles as small as 0.3 microns. While we don't have specific test results for glass particles, and therefore cannot guarantee complete protection, we are confident in the mask's ability to offer significant protection.

Glass particles are generally larger compared to many other forms of particulate pollution, and the Cambridge Mask is designed to effectively filter out such particles.


Silica Gel 

Silica particles retained in the human lung typically have median diameters between 0.5 and 0.7 microns. These respirable silica dust particles are often invisible to the naked eye and light enough to remain airborne for extended periods, traveling long distances and potentially impacting people far from the source.

The Cambridge Mask utilizes a three-layer filtration system designed to block particulates from entering the respiratory tract, while also preventing the entry of bacteria and viruses.



Cyanoacrylate Based Adhesive/Superglue

Cyanoacrylate nanoparticles (on average) range from 100–200 nm in diameter, equivalent to 0.1 microns. Health concerns from exposure to cyanoacrylate include eye and respiratory tract irritation, and inhalation of vapors may cause asthmatic reactions. Additionally, cyanoacrylate adheres strongly to the skin.

The Cambridge Mask has been tested to block over 99% of particles sized 0.3 microns and larger. Therefore, it is unlikely to provide full protection against cyanoacrylate particles. To reduce the risk of exposure, consider maintaining higher humidity levels, optimizing room ventilation, and using specialized air conditioning filters in the workspace. Always use glues and solvents in well-ventilated areas.



Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), also known as idiopathic environmental intolerances (IEI), is a debated chronic condition where individuals attribute symptoms to low-level exposures to commonly used chemicals.

Common triggers for MCS include:

  • Personal Care Products & Cosmetics: Many personal care and cosmetic products contain chemicals that contribute significantly to indoor air pollution. These products, such as hairspray and deodorant, are carried on our bodies throughout the day. Common chemicals found in these products include cocamide DEA (found in most shampoos and moisturizers), propylene glycol (in deodorants, shampoos, and moisturizers), sodium lauryl sulfate (in shampoos and toothpaste), acetone (nail varnish remover), and benzaldehyde (in hairspray, deodorant, shaving foam, shampoo, and soap).

  • New Carpets: Most new carpets contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in their glues, backing materials, flame retardants, and dyes. These include familiar chemicals like acetone, toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, and benzene derivatives. These chemicals off-gas over time, polluting indoor air for up to 6 months to 2 years.

Symptoms of MCS are often vague and nonspecific. The condition is complex and not thoroughly understood. MCS may manifest differently in individuals due to various underlying causes.

Cambridge Masks function by trapping small particles based on size (blocking >99% of particles 0.3 microns and larger) and electrostatic charge. Depending on the chemicals causing sensitivity, the mask may reduce associated symptoms. However, without specific information, it’s challenging to provide precise guarantees. Many MCS sufferers have reported positive experiences with our masks in their reviews on platforms like Amazon:

“Use this for chemical sensitivities due to a chronic illness. I've tested it a few times and it really seems to work. I don't get the symptoms I did without it.”  

“These masks work for my chemical sensitivities 99% of the time. I'm very grateful.”  



The Cambridge Mask effectively filters chlorine. It’s important to understand that our masks are designed as consumer products, suitable for protecting against chlorine sensitivity and for small projects. They are not intended for industrial use, prolonged exposure to chlorine, or use in laboratory settings.


Do you have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us via email at info@cambridgemask.com or through the chat button on our website to connect with our Customer Service Team.


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